Writing Task

Directions: Create a 1 paragraph (7-10 sentences) summary of the article "All About Vitamin D". Remember to capture the main ideas and supporting details in an objective manner.

All About Vitamin D
Monday, April 13, 2015

MANILA, Philippines – Thanks to emerging medical evidence supporting its importance, Vitamin D, an erstwhile ignored vitamin, is fast gaining attention from medical professionals.
Recent medical journals including the one from the National Institute of Health confirm that Vitamin D is not only essential in bone health, but is likewise crucial to the prevention of chronic illnesses such as  diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and certain types of cancer.
Even with all the testimonials to its benefits, most Filipinos still remain in the dark on how much of the vitamin is actually needed by the body as well as the things that can be done to achieve this on a continuous basis.
Dr. Alejandro Diaz of Philippine Neurological Association recommends a daily Vitamin D intake of 600 IU for Filipinos ages 1 to 70 years old and 800 IU for 71 years old and up. Anything less can put one at risk of severe bone degradation and other organ-related complications.
The best and most natural way to get the daily Vitamin D requirements is direct contact to the sun’s UVB rays. About 15-30 minutes of exposure to sunlight between 10am to 3pm is enough for the skin to produce the needed Vitamin D levels. However, this is not always advised due to possible implications to skin (think skin cancer).
Furthermore, this method may sound easy, but very few of us can religiously do this given the frenetic demands of modern day life and all. Filipinos working indoors or those working night shifts simply do not have the means to do it.
Those with darker skin, conditions causing fat malabsorption, and obesity issues have even more difficulties getting the essential amounts of sunshine vitamin due to their body’s inability to support proper Vitamin D synthesis.
One can get Vitamin D from various food sources, but the amount of food you need to consume to get the daily requirement is just out of the question.
Imagine, to get 400 IU of vitamin D, one has to consume 17 whole eggs, 88 ounces of cooked liver, four ounces of cooked mackerel, and 7 table spoons of fortified margarine.
Dr. Diaz believes that the most practical way to get one’s Vitamin D fix is to take supplements.
At the moment, there are low-priced, easily accessible, and over-the-counter Vitamin D supplements in the market that can supply the daily Vitamin D requirements of Filipinos. ADVT

Reference: http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/190412/all-about-vitamin-d#ixzz3YqzUvDB2 

Scoring Rubric:


5 points
3 points
Needs Improvement
1 point
X 3
Effectively captured the main and supporting ideas of the original article, used writer’s own words for most parts and maintained objectivity in reporting
Captured the main and some supporting ideas of the original article, contained some irrelevant ideas, used writer’s own words for few parts and/or showed objectivity in most parts.
Main and supporting ideas are unclear and confusing, contained a lot of irrelevant ideas, didn't use writer’s own words and/or showed subjectivity in most parts.
X 2
Established a clear and comprehensive arrangement of ideas and used transitional devices, parallelisms and/or repetitions.
Arrangement of ideas is comprehensive yet confusing and used few transitional devices, parallelisms and/or repetitions.
Arrangement of ideas is confusing and didn't use any transitional devices, parallelisms, and/or repetitions.
X 1
Followed the required length and no grammatical/ spelling errors.
Exceeded/ lacked 2-3 sentences and/or contained 2-3 grammatical/ spelling errors.
Exceeded/ lacked 4 or more sentences and/or contained 4 or more grammatical/ spelling errors.


Constructed Response Test

Grade Level : Grade 9
Topic/s: "The Dove and the Crow" and Modals

Name:______________________ Score:________

Grade and Section:___________ Date:_________

General Directions:

  • Answer the following items with the best of your abilities.
  • Use BLACK or BLUE ink only.
  • Each test item is worth one (1) point.

I. Completion Test. Fill in the blanks with the words that will complete the statements.

1. The fable, The Dove and the Crow, is written by _______________.
2. The Dove and the Crow is an excerpt from a fable collection called _______________.
3. The main characters in a fable are usually _______________.
4. The dove lived in a mountain called _______________ with his family.
5. A crow noticed a hunter spreading a(n) _______________ at the foot of the mountain.
6. The crow helped the doves by calling the rat whose name is _______________.
7. On their journey, the crow and the rat made friends with _______________ who is a deer.
8. As the three friends drink water from the well, they noticed a(n) _______________. 
9. An accident happened when the deer was captured by the _______________.
10. For everyone's safety, the _______________ pretended to be lame to attract the hunters.

II. Cloze Test. Fill in the blanks with the modals that correspond to the statements in the summary.

Summary of "The Dove and the Crow"

          The princes were told a story of friendship. They 1)________ listen to the story because for some time, they 2)________ be able to apply the morals in making wise alliances. 
          The story started with the crow who saved a dove and its family from capture. The crow was helped by a rat who gave a sermon to the dove. He said to the dove that it 3)________ escape the capture by being vigilant. Because of the rat's wisdom, the crow asked the dove to be his friend. They pledged that their differences 4)________ not hinder their friendship. 
          They traveled together and met a deer. Since the deer was alone, he asked if he 5)________ join them. The two animals accepted the request. They become thirsty and 6)________ continued to travel so they stopped at a well. As they drink, they saw a green shell. It was quite big and it was moving. "It 7)________ be a tortoise", said the rat. the tortoise was included to the group.
           The deer planned to graze but was captured by a hunter. "The deer 8)________ be saved", said the rat, so he asked help from the crow. The deer was saved. Another incident happened, they were caught by hunters. The deer decided that he 9)________ pretend to be lame to save his friends. His plan worked out that he made the hunters lost in the field. Meanwhile, his other friends found a safe place.
          They stayed together in peace because they 10)________ help each other despite circumstances and differences. 

III. Essay. Answer the following questions in 5 to 7 sentences.

1. State the differences between the dove and the crow in terms of behavior. (5 points, 10 minutes)
2. List the steps on how the four friends were able to escape the last accident. (5 points, 10 minutes)
3. Identify the values reflected by the fable which we can apply in life. (5 points, 10 minutes)
4. Explain the meaning of the crow's quotation: Matters of personal interest and friendship are decided by our inclination. We do not consider distance or the difference of condition. (10 points, 15 minutes).
5. Give an example of any international alliances to which the quotation would be relevant and explain their connection. (10 points, 15 minutes)

Answer Key

I. Completion Test
1. Vishnusharman
2. Panchatantra
3. animals
4. Kanakachala
5. net
6. Hiranya Varma
7. Chitranga
8. tortoise
9. hunters
10. deer

II. Cloze Test
1. should/must
2. will
3. can
4. will
5. may
6. can't/cannot
7. must
8. must/should
9. would
10. can

III. Essay (Criteria)
* For items 1-3, each item will be graded according to the standards below: 
Content - 3 pts
Organization - 1 pt
Clarity - 1 pt
TOTAL = 5 pts

*For items 4 and 5, each item will be graded according to the standards below: 
Content - 5 pts
Organization - 2 pts
Clarity - 3 pts
TOTAL = 10 pts


Grammar Objective Test with Item Analysis

Objective Test

This test was answered by 20 students. There was an answer sheet provided.

Name:                                                                             Score: ____________
Year and Section:      3EM                                            Date:                          

General Directions:
  • Answer the following items with the best of your abilities.
  • Use BLACK or BLUE ink only.
  • Each test item is worth one (1) point.

I. Stem-Option. Read and understand each statement or question. Shade the bubble which corresponds to the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. It is a part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective, or it's like by making its meaning more specific.
                        A. Articles              
                        B. Adverb              
                        C. Noun   
                        D. Pronoun
2. Identify the adverb used in the sentence, "The sound he made as he slept was barely noticeable."
                        A. Barely                 
                        B. Slept                   
                        C. Noticeable      
                        D. Sound
3. The word again was used in the statement, "I changed the schedule again." as what kind of adverb? 
                        A. Adverb of Manner               
                        B. Adverb of Place                  
                        C. Adverb of Time               
                        D. Adverb of Degree
 In the sentence, “Christopher’s lifelong ambition, to become an astronaut, should be within his reach if he gets the scholarship.” which cluster of words form an infinitive phrase?                          
                        A. should be within
                        B. Christopher’s lifelong ambition
                        C. if he gets the scholarship
                        D. to become an astronaut

5. “You can’t sit with us.” The pronoun “us” is used as a / an:
                        A. predicate
B. subject
C. object
                        D. verb
6. It is a type of thesis statement which aims to evaluate information and examine relationships between sub-ideas.
                        A. Argumentative   
                        B. Persuasive           
                        C. Expository      
                        D. Analytical
7. It is the part of an essay of argument that presents the reasons, gathered evidences and that sustain the supported proposition.
                        A. Introduction      
                        B. Discussion          
                        C. Argumentation          
                        D. Conclusion
8. What should be used in order to have a smooth flow and clear organization of ideas in an essay?
                        A. Jargons or registers            
                        B. Transitional Devices          
                        C. Argumentation          
                        D. Content words
9. What are the three main parts of an essay?
                        A. Introduction, Body, Conclusion       
                        B. Heading, Body, Summary          
                        C. Title, Body, Conclusion
                        D. Background, Body, Rejoinder
10. What expression will you use to present your summarized decision in an argumentative essay?
                        A. Since                  
                        B. For                      
                        C. Thus                          
                        D. Because

II. Alternate Response. Shade the bubble under T if the statement is TRUE and shade the bubble under F if otherwise.

1. Factual statements do not interpret an essay.
2. Adverbs are words that modify a noun or a pronoun by limiting its meaning.
3. There are four types of essays.
4. Figures of speech are used to awaken the imagination.
5. Figures of speech can also be called as figurative language.
6. Rhyme, rhythm and alliteration are examples of figures of speech.
7. Writers can invent their own figures of speech.
8. Writers only use figures of speech in composing poems.
9. "Original copy" is an example of a paradox.
10. Figures of speech are more evident in prose.

III. Fill in the blanks. Shade the bubble which corresponds to the letter of the best answer.

_____1. I _________ to cook pasta for dinner.
            A. will going                                       C. am going
            B. were going                                     D. should going
_____2. She _________ about to go to sleep when the phone rang.
            A. will                                                 C. has
            B. was                                                 D. had
_____3. 10 million pesos ______ a large sum of money.
            A. is                                                    C. are
            B. were                                               D. has
_____4. A lot of the kids on the streets ________ uneducated.
            A. is                                                    C. would
            B. has                                                  D. are
_____5. My father ____________ retired for 3 months now.
            A. has been                                         C. was been
            B. will be                                            D. would been

Answer key:

I. Stem Option
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. C

II. Alternate Response
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. F

III. Fill in the blanks
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. A

Item Analysis


Reading Task: Analyzing a Graph

Reading Task: Analyze the bar graph below. Read and understand the statements or questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

The bar chart below shows the different types of accommodation chosen by the British when they went on holiday in 2012.
The bar chart  shows the different types of accommodation chosen by the British when they went on holiday in 2010.
Retrieved from www.dcielts.com 

______1. In all four countries, half of the British tourists chose this holiday accommodation.
                A. Staying at campsites                        C. Staying in hotels
                B. Staying at caravans                          D. Staying in self-catering apartments

______2. What are the least holiday accommodations among the four countries of tourist destinations?
                A. Staying in campsites and caravans
                B. Staying in campsites and self-catering apartment
                C. Staying at caravans and self-catering apartment
                D. Staying at caravans and hotels

______3. What is the second most favorable holiday accommodation of British tourists?
                A. Staying at campsites                        C. Staying in hotels
                B. Staying at caravans                          D. Staying in self-catering apartments

______4. How many percentage of British tourists preferred to spend their holiday at caravans in Scotland?
                A. 5 %                                                   C. 12%          
                B. 8 %                                                   D. 31 %

______5. Among the four countries, which one showed a different pattern of data?
                A. England                                        C. Scotland
                B. Northern Ireland                           D. Wales


Reading Test

Name:______________________     Score:____________
Year and Section:_____________     Date:_____________

I. Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer for each item on the space before each number. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. (RX1)

            1. When did Harriet Tubman escape slavery?
                        A. 1839
                        B. 1849
                        C. 1859
                        D. 1869

            2. Tubman's constant refrain is: "Mah people mus' go free." What is the proper way of writing it?
A. "More people must go free."
B. "Mom, people must go free."
C. "My people should be set free."
D. "My people must go free."

            3. She never lost a fugitive or allowed one to turn back. The underlined word means:
A. a person who flees to escape
B. a person who loves fruits
C. a person who violates the law
D. a person who hides himself

            4. Why does Harriet Tubman bring a pistol with her?
A. for self-defense from enemies
B. for accessories to look good
C. for inculcating courage to slaves
D. for threatening fellow slaves

            5. He collaborated with Tubman in planning his raid on Harpers Ferry.
A. John Green
B. John White
C. John Black
D. John Brown

            6. Why was Tubman not present during the raid at Harpers Ferry?
A. because she was ill at that time
B. because she was already dead
C. because she moved to the west
D. because she surrendered fighting

            7. What were Tubman's services that were solicited by the Union government?
A. leader, rebel, and doctor
B. nurse, scout, and spy
C. vendor, soldier, and cook
D. sniper, hunter, and officer

            8. How was Tubman able to move from place to place without getting noticed?
A. by pretending to be a boundary guard
B. by riding the military trucks
C. by making herself look ordinary
D. by sneaking beyond the walls

            9. How did Tubman finance the Home for Indigent and Aged Negroes?
A. by getting different sponsors
B. by selling copies of her biography
C. by auctioning some of her things
D. by asking for several donations

            10. From the life story of Tubman, what value did she portray to inspire people?
                        A. Courage in seeking equality
                        B. Leadership in seeking unity
                        C. Faith in seeking wisdom
                        D. Altruism in seeking freedom

            11. "The slow autumn at my window" is a metaphor for:
A. struggle
B. rebirth
C. change
D. purity

            12. In Neruda's poem "If You Forget Me," what do the following lines suggest?
                                                I want you to know
                                                one thing.
A. It tells us that we should only focus on one idea presented
B. It tells us that readers should find the main idea of the poem
C. It tells us that whatever the author will say is important
D. It tells us that we only know one thing: We know nothing

            13. In Neruda's poem "If You Forget Me," what concept best describes the following stanzas?
Well, now
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
A. reciprocity
B. vitality
C. compatibility
D. animosity

            14. Neruda used the word "roots" as a metaphor for:
A. origins
B. identity
C. principles
D. motherland

            15. In Neruda's poem "If You Forget Me," the line: "My love feeds on your love." is what kind of figure of speech?
A. alliteration
B. apostrophe
C. hyperbole
D. personification

Answer key:
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. D
15. D

Test Specification: 

 Harriet Tubman's Biography

 1, 5, 7
 2, 3
 4, 6, 8, 9, 10
 If You Forget Me by Pablo Neruda

 11, 14, 15
 12, 13
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