Topic/s: "The Dove and the Crow" and Modals
Name:______________________ Score:________
Grade and Section:___________ Date:_________
General Directions:
- Answer
the following items with the best of your abilities.
- Use
BLACK or BLUE ink only.
- Each
test item is worth one (1) point.
I. Completion Test. Fill in the blanks with the words that will complete the statements.
1. The fable, The Dove and the Crow, is written by _______________.
2. The Dove and the Crow is an excerpt from a fable collection called _______________.
3. The main characters in a fable are usually _______________.
4. The dove lived in a mountain called _______________ with his family.
5. A crow noticed a hunter spreading a(n) _______________ at the foot of the mountain.
6. The crow helped the doves by calling the rat whose name is _______________.
7. On their journey, the crow and the rat made friends with _______________ who is a deer.
8. As the three friends drink water from the well, they noticed a(n) _______________.
9. An accident happened when the deer was captured by the _______________.
10. For everyone's safety, the _______________ pretended to be lame to attract the hunters.
II. Cloze Test. Fill in the blanks with the modals that correspond to the statements in the summary.
Summary of "The Dove and the Crow"
The princes were told a story of friendship. They 1)________ listen to the story because for some time, they 2)________ be able to apply the morals in making wise alliances.
The story started with the crow who saved a dove and its family from capture. The crow was helped by a rat who gave a sermon to the dove. He said to the dove that it 3)________ escape the capture by being vigilant. Because of the rat's wisdom, the crow asked the dove to be his friend. They pledged that their differences 4)________ not hinder their friendship.
They traveled together and met a deer. Since the deer was alone, he asked if he 5)________ join them. The two animals accepted the request. They become thirsty and 6)________ continued to travel so they stopped at a well. As they drink, they saw a green shell. It was quite big and it was moving. "It 7)________ be a tortoise", said the rat. the tortoise was included to the group.
The deer planned to graze but was captured by a hunter. "The deer 8)________ be saved", said the rat, so he asked help from the crow. The deer was saved. Another incident happened, they were caught by hunters. The deer decided that he 9)________ pretend to be lame to save his friends. His plan worked out that he made the hunters lost in the field. Meanwhile, his other friends found a safe place.
They stayed together in peace because they 10)________ help each other despite circumstances and differences.
III. Essay. Answer the following questions in 5 to 7 sentences.
1. State the differences between the dove and the crow in terms of behavior. (5 points, 10 minutes)
2. List the steps on how the four friends were able to escape the last accident. (5 points, 10 minutes)
3. Identify the values reflected by the fable which we can apply in life. (5 points, 10 minutes)
4. Explain the meaning of the crow's quotation: Matters of personal interest and friendship are decided by our inclination. We do not consider distance or the difference of condition. (10 points, 15 minutes).
5. Give an example of any international alliances to which the quotation would be relevant and explain their connection. (10 points, 15 minutes)
Answer Key
I. Completion Test
1. Vishnusharman
2. Panchatantra
3. animals
4. Kanakachala
5. net
6. Hiranya Varma
7. Chitranga
8. tortoise
9. hunters
10. deer
II. Cloze Test
1. should/must
2. will
3. can
4. will
5. may
6. can't/cannot
7. must
8. must/should
9. would
10. can
III. Essay (Criteria)
* For items 1-3, each item will be graded according to the standards below:
Content - 3 pts
Organization - 1 pt
Clarity - 1 pt
TOTAL = 5 pts
*For items 4 and 5, each item will be graded according to the standards below:
Content - 5 pts
Organization - 2 pts
Clarity - 3 pts
TOTAL = 10 pts
The story started with the crow who saved a dove and its family from capture. The crow was helped by a rat who gave a sermon to the dove. He said to the dove that it 3)________ escape the capture by being vigilant. Because of the rat's wisdom, the crow asked the dove to be his friend. They pledged that their differences 4)________ not hinder their friendship.
They traveled together and met a deer. Since the deer was alone, he asked if he 5)________ join them. The two animals accepted the request. They become thirsty and 6)________ continued to travel so they stopped at a well. As they drink, they saw a green shell. It was quite big and it was moving. "It 7)________ be a tortoise", said the rat. the tortoise was included to the group.
The deer planned to graze but was captured by a hunter. "The deer 8)________ be saved", said the rat, so he asked help from the crow. The deer was saved. Another incident happened, they were caught by hunters. The deer decided that he 9)________ pretend to be lame to save his friends. His plan worked out that he made the hunters lost in the field. Meanwhile, his other friends found a safe place.
They stayed together in peace because they 10)________ help each other despite circumstances and differences.
III. Essay. Answer the following questions in 5 to 7 sentences.
1. State the differences between the dove and the crow in terms of behavior. (5 points, 10 minutes)
2. List the steps on how the four friends were able to escape the last accident. (5 points, 10 minutes)
3. Identify the values reflected by the fable which we can apply in life. (5 points, 10 minutes)
4. Explain the meaning of the crow's quotation: Matters of personal interest and friendship are decided by our inclination. We do not consider distance or the difference of condition. (10 points, 15 minutes).
5. Give an example of any international alliances to which the quotation would be relevant and explain their connection. (10 points, 15 minutes)
Answer Key
I. Completion Test
1. Vishnusharman
2. Panchatantra
3. animals
4. Kanakachala
5. net
6. Hiranya Varma
7. Chitranga
8. tortoise
9. hunters
10. deer
II. Cloze Test
1. should/must
2. will
3. can
4. will
5. may
6. can't/cannot
7. must
8. must/should
9. would
10. can
III. Essay (Criteria)
* For items 1-3, each item will be graded according to the standards below:
Content - 3 pts
Organization - 1 pt
Clarity - 1 pt
TOTAL = 5 pts
*For items 4 and 5, each item will be graded according to the standards below:
Content - 5 pts
Organization - 2 pts
Clarity - 3 pts
TOTAL = 10 pts
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